Heat Exhaustion

After a day of hard climbing or recreating, the stoke remains, but the body is running on fumes.??Exercise related heat exhaustion can wreak havoc on our ability to make important decisions.??Not everyone is willing to admit that exhaustion is setting in and often times they will just try to work through it.1 Exercise related heat…

No-vaxxers seem very confused

I had my second Pfizer shot yesterday. Currently feeling pretty crappy.. It’s almost as if I had gotten into a fight and came out of it as a wreck 😛It’s been a really long time since I had a fever, probably a decade or so… So I didn’t recall it being such a pain in…


“The world is your kaleidoscope, and the varying combinations of colors which at every succeeding moment it presents to you are the exquisitely adjusted pictures of your ever moving thoughts.” -James Edward Allen Ciao a tutti!Non potevo che scegliere questa frase per rappresentare i miei pensieri 🙂 Mi chiamo Annalisa, e ho iniziato questo blog…